DPM 40 Lascar DPM, LED, 3.5DIGIT

Part Nnumber
DPM 40
Basic price
59,02 EUR

The product with part number DPM 40 (DPM, LED, 3.5DIGIT) is from company Lascar and distributed with basic unit price 59,02 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 8 weeks, Weight is 0.055 Kg, Custom Tariff 85312020, Origin Great Britain.

Backlighting Colour: Red Display Size: 48mm x 20mm External Length / Height: 36mm External Width: 12mm No. of Digits / Alpha: 3-1/2 Operating Temperature Max: 50°C Operating Temperature Min: 0°C Operating Temperature Range: 0°C to +50°C Panel Cutout Height: 68mm Panel Cutout Width: 33mm SVHC: No SVHC (16-Jun-2014) Screen Size: - Supply Current: 100mA Supply Voltage Max: 5.5V Supply Voltage Min: 4.5V Supply Voltage Range: 4.5V to 5.5V

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